Great Web

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Algebra linear

Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies vectors. Working according to certain rules, it mainly uses families of vectors called vector spaces or linear spaces, along with functions that input one vector and output another. Such functions that are well-behaved are called linear maps (or linear transformations or linear operators) and can always be represented by matrices. Linear algebra is central to modern mathematics and its applications. An elementary application of linear algebra is to find the solution of a system of linear equations in several unknowns. More advanced applications are ubiquitous in areas as diverse as abstract algebra and functional analysis. Linear algebra has a concrete representation in analytic geometry and is generalized in operator theory and in module theory. It has extensive applications in engineering, physics, natural sciences and the social sciences. Nonlinear mathematical models can often be approximated by linear ones.

buku aljabar linear (book algebra linear).pdf

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